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Receivership Management, Inc - Independent Fiduciary for the United Employee Benefit Fund

510 Hospital Drive, Suite 490

Madison, TN 37115



On August 10, 2023, Judge Nancy L. Moldonado of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division, entered a Preliminary Injunction Order, appointing Receivership Management Inc. [“RMI”] as Independent Fiduciary [“IF”] over the United Employee Benefit Fund Trust and Participating Plans [“UEBF”].  On November 28, 2023, the Court entered an amended Preliminary Injunction Order, but Receivership Management, Inc. continues to be the IF appointed in this matter.


Pursuant to its appointment as Independent Fiduciary, RMI now controls the operations of the UEBF and should be your contact for any matters related to the UEBF.  All correspondence regarding the UEBF should be directed to the following address:


                        United Employee Benefit Fund

                        c/o Receivership Management, Inc.

                        510 Hospital Drive, Suite 490

                        Madison, Tennessee 37115



On October 30, 2023, the National Production Workers’ Union, Local 707, provided RMI with notice that it has elected not to continue any of its collective bargaining agreements that provide for UEBF participation, effective December 31, 2023.  Under the terms of the UEBF’s plan documents, the UEBF is effectively terminated as of December 31, 2023.


The Original Complaint and Motion for Temporary Restraining Order and Preliminary Injunction filed by the United States Secretary of Labor, as well as the Original and Amended Preliminary Injunctions, can be found here:


            Complaint – filed February 28, 2022

            Motion for Temporary Restraining Order & Preliminary Injunction – filed June 15, 2023

            Preliminary Injunction – entered August 10, 2023

            Amended Preliminary Injunction – entered November 28, 2023


The Independent Fiduciary’s Status Reports can be found here:


            IF Status Report – filed November 7, 2023

            Second IF Status Report – filed December 12, 2023

            Third IF Status Report - filed January 26, 2024


Notice of the Independent Fiduciary’s appointment, sent to the last known addresses of all potential participants identified by the Independent Fiduciary and the named insureds on all active policies owned by the UEBF, can be found here:

Notice – mailed December 18, 2023

The Notice of Proposed Termination of Plan, Plus Exhibits - filed April 23, 2024

Independent Fiduciary's Plan of Liquidation - filed April 23, 2024

Court Order in Case # 1;22 cv 01030 setting deadlines for objections to IF’s Notice of  Proposed Termination of Plan and the IF’s  Proposed Plan of Liquidation - filed May 1, 2024

Court Orders Staying Deadlines to Object to the IF’s Notice of Proposed Plan Termination and the IF’s proposed Plan of Liquidation - Filed May 30, 2024 and May 31, 2024.  By orders entered in the Su action (1-22-cv-01030) (D.E. #s 235 and 236), the deadlines for responses/objections to the IF's Notice of Proposed Plan Termination and to the IF's proposed Plan of Liquidation are stayed.  If such stay is lifted by Order of Court, a revised schedule for responses/objections will be entered. 


If you have any questions, or if you would like to discuss this matter with RMI, you may contact Mr. Everett Sinor, Staff Attorney, at 615.370.0051, or by email



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