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May 2012

Temporary Restraining Order (5/16/2012)


Employer Letter  (5/17/2012)


Information Relating to Employee Notice for Safe Harbor Plans That Have Either Matching Contributions or Non-elective Contributions:

            Treas. Reg. 1.401(k)-3, with the applicable provisions regarding permissible mid-year reduction or

                        suspension of Safe Harbor Matching Contributions highlighted

            Prop. Regs. 1.401(k)-3, regarding mid-year suspension or reduction of Safe Harbor Nonelective Contributions


Instructions on Payment of Monthly Administrative Fee (6/1/2012)


US DOL Release on Open Multiple Employer Plans


Preliminary Injunction (6/12/2012)


Report and Fee Notice (6/29/2012)


Report and Fee Notice Exhibits (6/29/2012)


Second Report and Fee Notice (8/10/12)


Second Report and Fee Notice Exhibits (8/10/12)


Third Report and Fee Notice (8/30/12)


Third Report and Fee Notice Exhibits (8/30/12)


Fourth Report and Fee Notice (10/5/2012)


Fifth Report and Fee Notice (11/8/2012)


Fifth Report and Fee Notice Exhibits (11/8/2012)


Report on Early Withdrawal Procedures and Fee Notice (12/10/12)


Report on Early Withdrawal Procedures and Fee Notice Exhibit (12/10/12)


Seventh Report and Fee Notice (1/10/2013)


Seventh Report and Fee Notice Exhibits (1/10/2013)


Motion to Approve Compromise and Voting Procedures (1/18/2013)


Memorandum in Support of Motion to Approve Compromise and Voting Procedures (1/18/2013)


Eighth Report and Fee Notice (2/6/2013)


Eighth Report and Fee Notice Exhibits (2/6/2013)


Ninth Report and Fee Notice (2/28/2013)


Ninth Report and Fee Notice Exhibits (2/28/2013)


Tenth Report and Fee Notice (3/28/2013)


Tenth Report and Fee Notice Exhibits (3/28/2013)


Independent Fiduciary's Report on Balloting (3/28/2013)


Eleventh Report and Fee Notice (4/29/2013)


Eleventh Report and Fee Notice Exhibits (4/29/2013)


Notice of Withdrawal of Motion to Life Stay on Discovery (4/29/2013)


Twelfth Report and Fee Notice (5/24/2013)


Twelfth Report and Fee Notice Exhibits (5/24/2013)


Thirteenth Report and Fee Notice (6/11/2013)


Thirteenth Report and Fee Notice Exhibits (6/11/2013)


Fourteenth Report and Fee Notice with Exhibits (7/30/2013)


Fifteenth Report and Fee Notice (8/28/2013)


Fifteenth Report and Fee Notice Exhibits (8/28/2013)


Sixteenth Report and Fee Notice (9/26/2013)


Sixteenth Report and Fee Notice Exhibits (9/26/2013)


Seventeenth Report and Fee Notice (10/23/2013)


Seventeenth Report and Fee Notice Exhibits (10/23/2013)


Eighteenth Report and Fee Notice (11/26/2013)


Eighteenth Report and Fee Notice Exhibits (11/26/2013)


Nineteenth Report and Fee Notice (12/19/2013)


Nineteenth Report and Fee Notice Exhibits (12/19/2013)


Twentieth Report and Fee Notice (1/28/2014)


Twentieth Report and Fee Notice Exhibits (1/28/2014)


Twenty-First Report and Fee Notice (2/21/2014)


Twenty First Report and Fee Notice Exhibits (2/21/2014)


Twenty-Second Report and Fee Notice (Including Exhibits) (3/28/2014)


Twenty-Third Report and Fee Notice (4/21/2014)


Twenty-Third Report and Fee Notice Exhibits (4/21/2014)


Twenty-Fourth Report and Fee Notice (5/23/2014)


Twenty-Fourth Report and Fee Notice Exhibits (5/23/2014)


Twenty-Fifth Report and Fee Notice (7/8/2014)


Twenty-Fifth Report and Fee Notice Exhibits (7/8/2014)


Twenty-Sixth Report and Fee Notice (7/31/2014)


Twenty-Sixth Report and Fee Notice Exhibits (7/31/2014)


Twenty-Seventh Report and Fee Notice (8/25/2014)


Twenty-Seventh Report and Fee Notice Exhibits (8/25/2014)


Twenty-Eighth Report and Fee Notice with Exhibits (10/1/2014)


Twenty-Ninth Report and Fee Notice (12/11/2014)


Twenty-Ninth Report and Fee Notice Exhibit 1 (12/11/2014)

Twenty-Ninth Report and Fee Notice Exhibit 2

Twenty-Ninth Report and Fee Notice Exhibit 3


Thirtieth Report and Fee Notice (12/3/2014)


Thirtieth Report and Fee Notice Exhibits (12/3/2014)


Thirty-First Report and Fee Notice (12/31/2014)


Thirty-First Report and Fee Notice Exhibits (12/31/2014)


Thirty-Second Report and Fee Notice (1/30/2015)


Thirty-Second Report and Fee Notice Exhibits (1/30/2015)


Thirty-Third Report and Fee Notice with Exhibits (3/13/2015)


Thirty-Fourth Report and Fee Notice with Exhibits (3/26/2015)


Thirty-Fifth Report and Fee Notice with Exhibits (4/27/2015)


Thirty-Sixth Report and Fee Notice with Exhibits (6/2/2015)


Thirty-Seventh Report and Fee Notice with Exhibits (7/30/2015)


Thirty-Eighth Report and Fee Notice with Exhibits (9/15/2015)


Thirty-Ninth Report and Fee Notice with Exhibits (10/7/2015)


Fortieth Report and Fee Notice with Exhibits (11/6/2015)


Forty-First Report and Fee Notice with Exhibits (12/10/2015)


Forty-Second Report and Fee Notice with Exhibits (1/8/2016)


Report and Fee Notice for December 2015 (2/5/2016)


Report and Fee Notice for January 2016 (3/3/2016)


Report and Fee Notice for February 2016 (3/24/2016)


Report and Fee Notice for March 2016 (4/29/2016)


Report and Fee Notice for April 2016 (5/11/2016)


Report and Fee Notice for May 2016 (6/30/2016)


Report and Fee Notice for June 2016 (8/10/2016)


Report and Fee Notice for July 2016 (8/25/2016)


Report and Fee Notice for August 2016 (10/17/2016)


Report and Fee Notice for September 2016 (11/8/2016)


Report and Fee Notice for October 2016 (12/9/2016)


Report and Fee Notice for November 2016 (1/12/2017)


Report and Fee Notice for December 2016 (2/3/2017)


Report and Fee Notice for January 2017 (3/2/2017)


Report and Fee Schedule for February 2017 (3/29/2017)


Report and Fee Schedule for March 2017 (5/3/2017)


Report and Fee Notice for April 2017 (5/24/2017)


Report and Fee Notice for May 2017 (7/24/2017)


Report and Fee Notice for June 2017 (8/21/2017)


Report and Fee Notice for July 2017 (9/15/2017)


Report and Fee Notice for August 2017 (10/11/2017)


Report and Fee Notice for September 2017 (10/31/2017)


Report and Fee Notice for October 2017 (12/11/2017)


Report and Fee Notice for November 2017 and December 2017 (2/2/2018)


Report and Fee Notice for January 2018 (3/9/2018)


Report and Fee Notice for February 2018 (4/13/2018)


Report and Fee Notice for March 2018 (5/11/2018)


Report and Fee Notice for April 2018 (6/15/2018)


Report and Fee Notice for May 2018 (7/24/2018)


Report and Fee Notice for June 2018 (8/16/2018)

Report and Fee Notice for July 2018 (9/14/2018)

Report and Fee Notice for August and September 2018 (11/12/2018)

Report and Fee Notice for October 2018 (12/30/2018)

Report and Fee Notice for November 2018 (1/22/2019)

Report and Fee Notice for December 2018 (2/12/2019)

Report and Fee Notice for January 2019 (3/26/2019)

Report and Fee Notice for February and March 2019 (5/8/2019)

Report and Fee Notice for April 2019 (5/31/2019)


Notice of Intent to Terminate Retirement Security Plan and Trust (7/9/2019)

Report and Fee Notice for May and June 2019 (7/28/2019)

Report and Fee Notice for July 2019 (9/04/2019)

Report and Fee Notice for August 2019 (10/16/2019)

Report and Fee Notice for September 2019 (11/22/2019)

Report and Fee Notice for October 2019 (12/27/2019)

Report and Fee Notice for November 2019 (1/19/2020)

Report and Fee Notice for December 2019 (2/9/2020)


Final Report & Motion for Discharge and Release of the Independent Fiduciary (2/11/2021)

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